to cooking like THIS!

Holiday Fundraiser:

Dollars for Scholars Keeps the School Humming!

Thanks to your generous support, the Star of Hope Annual Fund Drive raised a whopping $5,398.00! Those dollars will support the 30 resident and 120+ village kids though the 2017 school year. We now have children from pre-school through 7thgrade and 11 teachers. The benefit to these children, their families and the surrounding village is incalculable. And YOU help make it happen.

Message from Leonard:

Best Wishes In 2017!

To our highly esteemed donors and project partners,
Once again I take this humble opportunity to thank you for the determined efforts to place us up and running through your generous financial and moral support. I don't take it for granted that year in and out you have remained steadfast in ensuring funds that enable us to educate, clothe, shelter and meet medical needs of our less fortunate kids. Your consistency has made us have a family that feels secure and well provided for. Thank you for 2016 as a whole! We now can boast of clean cooking stoves for our kitchen, books and educational materials adequately supplied and a secure compound with a happy staff who have their basic needs met too. 
My very sincere thanks and best wishes to all of you in 2017!
Leonard Muyelele and the Star of Hope family

We've gone from cooking like this...

February 2017 Newsletter

​​​​​February 2017 Newsletter

Boxes to Bungoma:

Kids Raise $6,000!

With inspiration from some incredible parents, teachers and KIDS, 2016 saw Star of Hope launch “Boxes to Bungoma,” a Service Learning Program that facilitates connection between kids in the United States with the kids at Star of Hope. Through a campaign of fundraising, letter writing, and video exchanges, a handful of students from schools in Seattle and California stuffed boxes with school & medical supplies, fun books, art projects, clothes, toys and individual gift bags for each Star of Hope student (yes, all 160 of them). The Boxes were shipped from Seattle in August and arrived in Bungoma just in time for Christmas. ​


What a Difference!

After working with the Kenyan government for almost two years to get the electricity turned on, we gave up on bureaucracy and, with the help of the ‘Boxes to Bungoma’ campaign, purchased a diesel generator. It gets dark year-round at 6:00 p.m. in Kenya and now the kids can do their homework at night. 

We're looking forward to bringing the kids into the computer age! Laptops, here we come! ​


Here's What ELSE you've helped to accomplish!

With your help, we...

  • Built a new perimeter fence to keep the children safe.
  • Made improvements to what had been Leonard’s mother’s home. “Esther’s House” is now in use as a library and community meeting room.
  • Purchased new uniforms, shoes and play clothes for the kids.
  • Provided medical care, both preventive and emergency, to keep the kids healthy and safe.

A heartfelt THANK YOU for all your support!

SoH USA Board: Vicki Legman, Selah Brown, Dana Sullivan,
Bill Ferris and Marsha Donaldson
Star of Hope (Kenya): Leonard and Gladwell, the teachers, the village and, especially, the kids.

Upcoming Events

Save the Dates!

Saturday, April 1: A Tribute to the Beatles Benefiting Star of Hope, featuring The Flaming Pies. 
7-9 p.m. at C&P Coffee House, 5612 California Ave SW, $20

Saturday, July 8: The EIGHTH Annual Dancing For The Stars Event!
Mark your calendars and spread the word!

In the News:

The Costco Connection

Vicki and Dana were interviewed for the January 2017 Costco Connection "Changing the World" section. Read the full story here and take a look at the video!​